Monday, December 8, 2008

Living Poor During The Great Depression According To My Grandmother

My grandmother was born during the Great Depression. She lived in the middle of nowhere, in the country on a farm. She grew up very, very poor. I have listened to many stories about living and growing up poor in rural America in the 30's and 40's and have decided to make a blog about it.

Needless to say, life back then was NOTHING like it is today. How time changes things.

To all the people of today it's very interesting to hear about how people lived back then, especially dirt poor, on a farm, at the edge of the Appalachian mountains in Kentucky.

Some of the things are almost humorous. Such as making underwear out of some kind of cloth sack.

I will make several posts so anyone who is interested can find out what life was like back then.

1 comment:

Pete Moring. said...

I just checked my Twitter value. It's $324- How about that :-)

Hope you're going to put some good posts up here you dang @annoyedgirl :-)
