Thursday, December 11, 2008

A Common Supper On The Farm

Growing up poor on a farm in the 30's and 40's, it's pretty obvious my grandmother and her family were not eating shrimp, steak, lobster, or any restaurant food.

One of the most common meals they had was pinto beans aka soup beans and cornbread. Sometimes the cornbread was baked and sometimes it was fried.

This was one of the most common meals and out of nostalgia many who grew up on this food still love it today. The soup beans are actually very healthy for you, plus it's a vegetarian and a cheap meal.

I don't like pinto beans myself but I know a lot of people who will order soup beans and cornbread at Southern restaurants and Cracker Barrel. They also love onions in the soup beans. And some people love to put ketchup and mustard in their soup beans.

For a snack it was common for children to take left over cornbread and crumble it up in milk and eat it with a spoon.

Needless to say, people back then were a lot healthier than we are now and obesity was never a problem for poor rural folk.

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